
Dishonored 2 mission 7 kill
Dishonored 2 mission 7 kill

dishonored 2 mission 7 kill

Recently I've begun to knock her out and head canon that Corvo severed her hand. Granny just felt like too dangerous of a force to leave at play in Dunwall. In the first game it's Granny Rags and Havelock. Trapping her in a painting obviously didn't work the first time in the Daud DLCs and she still came back, so now I kill her off again (stealthy, by going up to the ledge and doing a sneak kill). Nothing personal against the body double, so sometimes I switch it up and let him become the ruler while Luca is sent off in a straight-jacket. Mission 8: Kill off the Duke and the body double (Armando), canonically, so that Paolo can become the new ruler of Karnaca as the novel suggests. Spare Stilton from attending the seance and going insane. Missions 6 & 7- Kill no one, but side with the Howlers (Paolo can decide what to do with Byrne). Mission 5: Kill Breanna since she's Delilah's right-hand Lieutenant and hand a hand in bringing Delilah back, in the first place. Sorry, OP, but we won't ever see eye to eye / agree on this one. Mission 4: Put Jindosh in his own machine because he's a sadistic piece of shit that likes to dissect people for fun and made a toy that drove a little girl insane. It's not her fault that she became like that to become a tool of destruction for the Duke and Delilah. Missions 2 & 3: kill no one and spare Dr.

dishonored 2 mission 7 kill

Mission 1: Kill Ramsey for his part in the coup and for him killing off Alexi. with Daud's final kill having been to put a blade in Delilah's throat. Kill off Delilah, because (imo) that's how it should have ended. Mission 9: Kill off Havelock for his treason and kidnapping Emily. Mission 8: Kill no one, use the non-lethal Arc Pylon method to put everyone to sleep. Mission 7: Stop Time, steal the key from Granny and be gone like a ghost. Morris Sullivan (the Torturer) can also fuck off and die, as he tortured Corvo for 6 months on end. Mission 6: reveal the truth, but sometimes as the Lord Regent is being arrested I stop time and Sleep Dart the guards while killing him off. Mission 5: kill off Lady Boyle, because aside from giving her to Brisby being weird, she's also Hiram Burrows' mistress, so it's an eye for an eye. Mission 3: I tend to kill the Pendletons and rob the safe for myself (there's a note in the Distillery where Slackjaw mentions the safe, even if you decline his offer). Easier to escape right out of the window. Mission 2: Sometimes I kill off Campbell if I decide to use possession on Curnow right as Campbell drinks the poison. The guards are just doing their jobs and think you are the one who legit killed Jessamine.

Dishonored 2 mission 7 kill